Bring fun to the table Free printables enhance any grateful greeting
Bring fun to the table Free printables enhance any grateful greeting

Thanksgiving Printables

Whether you’re hosting Thanksgiving or Friendsgiving or something in-between, free printables from Papyrus are the perfect touch.


Before your loved ones arrive, download and print your favorite “I’m Thankful for…” design. Place a copy of the printable at each place setting, along with a pen. As guests settle into their spots at the table, encourage them to fill out the printable with whatever they’re thankful for. Later, when the feast is finished and spirits are high, take turns sharing what everyone wrote. It’s the sweetest way to end a meal (aside from pumpkin pie).


Keep it casual. Leave pens and printables in various places around the party. As guests mingle, they can fill out and discuss their answers together.

Make a statement. Find a blank wall and turn it into a gallery of gratefulness by hanging everyone’s completed printables on it.

Flip the script. Prior to the event, fill out a printable with reasons why you’re thankful for each of your guests. Place your personalized printables at everyone’s respective place settings to kick off the festivities on a heartfelt note.

Keep the gratitude going with Thanksgiving greeting cards! Find options perfect for connecting with loved ones, thanking hosts, and elevating autumn décor.

Thanksgiving Greeting Cards

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